What Is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is the art and practice of hypnosis performed in a session with a patient or client with the intention of helping that individual heal something on a deep, unconscious, or subconscious level. A hypnotherapist is a hypnotist who provides hypnosis to a patient or client in order to help that person heal.

What Is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is the art of helping individuals access their subconscious minds by guiding them gently, safely, and comfortably into a deep state of relaxation. Hypnosis is a technique that helps people access their gifts and their internal knowingness by allowing them to transition into what’s referred to as a “resource state” so that deep and meaningful change can occur.

Why Choose Recode Hypnothrapy

Hypnotherapy has been approved by the medical and scientific establishment as far back as the nineteenth century, and especially since the 1950s. We hypnosis as a tool to help you acheieve the results you want to recieve. If you are looking to relieve anxiety, end depression, you no longer have an unwanted habit or just taking back control of your life, the method we use here at Recode Hypnotherapy is proven to help people obtain the results they want.

I look forward to helping each one of you precisely achieve the outcome you desire no matter where you are in the world. 


You are not alone. We all have areas of our life that we would like to improve. You can’t know what you don’t know, so it’s best to get the help you are looking for to cause the results you have been wanting.

At Recode Hypnotherapy, we will help you cause the results and change you have been wanting.


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